Volunteers needed for sewing group

This sewing group is looking for more volunteers who would like to assist - it doesn’t need to be a weekly commitment.

IF you’re handy with needle and thread, then the Cato Crest Sewing Group is looking for you!

The group meets every Thursday afternoon at the Cato Crest Clinic in Cato Manor (just below the UKZN playing fields). The group is made up largely of unemployed women who are being taught sewing skills.

This group was started 23 years ago by Moireen Stacey, who is now almost 90 years old. The group has grown significantly over the years and today Moireen is assisted by Colleen Price, Barbara du Plooy, Val Cotterell and Jo Garrett.

This sewing group is looking for more volunteers who would like to assist in cutting out garments between lessons, sorting donated fabric as well as making and serving tea and sandwiches which are supplied weekly.

The group relies on donations of fabric, no matter how small, sewing machines, cotton, wool and more.

Anyone interested in helping out can contact Colleen Price on 031 201 5511 or Val Cotterell on 031 539 2330 or 072 380 8362.

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