No escape for Musgrave hijacking suspects

Metro Police and the K9 Unit apprehended two suspects within minutes of a hijacking on Essenwood Road.

THERE was no escaping the determined actions of Metro Police and the SAPS K9 Unit for two alleged hijacking suspects last night who were apprehended and arrested in Musgrave as they tried to flee the long arm of the law.

According to Berea police communications officer, Captain PN Naidoo, Metro Police were on Stephen Dlamini (Essenwood) Road when a passerby flagged the officers down. “The person by told the officers that a woman had just been hijacked and the suspects fled in her Ford Figo, up St Thomas Road towards Ridge Road,” he said.

Metro officers chased after the suspects who then abandoned the vehicle at the corner of St Thomas Road, close to Ridge Road and fled further on foot. Naidoo said the hijackers tried to escape through a lane, but Metro Officers were hot on their heels. “At a dead-end, one of the suspects jumped over a wall but Metro officers caught him and arrested him. The other suspect was later arrested by the SAPS K9 Unit who searched for, found and arrested him,” he said.

Naidoo said the victim’s gym bag, handbag as well as a firearm were recovered at the scene.

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