
Umbilo police ready to bring in new reservists

A reservist performs a voluntary duty in SAPS without any expectation of compensation.

ARE you energetic, intelligent, physically and mentally fit with a desire to serve your country on a voluntary basis to assist SAPS fight crime? If the answer is yes, Umbilo police invite you to apply to be a volunteer reservist.

According to Sgt Quinton Rodie, a reservist performs a voluntary duty in SAPS without any expectation of compensation and will be called up by the national commissioner to perform duties that strengthen and support the police.

Reservists are expected to perform a minimum of 16 hours voluntary duty each month. There are a few basic requirements to meet before applying to become a reservist which includes being: a South African citizen by birth, between 20 and 50 years old, complete a health questionnaire at your cost which will be confirmed by a registered medical practitioner, medically, mentally and physically fit to perform the duties of a reservist, of good and sound character, fit the psychometric profile, possess a senior certificate or SAQA accredited NQF level 4 qualification, be able to speak, read and write at least two official languages(one must be English), no tattoos visible wearing a uniform and no criminal record.

Rodie said all applicants would be subjected to psychometric, medical evaluation at their expense and SAPS would verify their criminal records, qualifications, drivers licence etc. Applicants with chronic disease, or other health conditions will be excluded due to the physical demands of the Reservist Training Programme. Applicants with visible tattoos when wearing uniform will be excluded in respect of the SAPS Dress Order.

Umbilo SAPS communications officer, Captain Pumzile Makaula encouraged keen members of the community with an interest in fighting crime, to join the team.

Contact Sgt Quinton Rodie on 0834830833 or 031 2032412 for an application form.

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