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Lest we forget

The Durban Branch of the SA Legion hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony in Durban on Sunday.

THE SA Legion hosted a Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph opposite Durban City Hall on Sunday.

In his welcome address, Rick Andries, chairman of the Durban Branch of the SA Legion, congratulated Mayor Zandile Gumede, on her recent appointment and expressed gratitude for her presence at the ceremony.

“This is an established event on our calendar and after 98 years it is unclear to the present generation why we still celebrate this day. It is a day of mourning, a spiritual day of remembrance, a day of prayer and intercession for victims of conflict, a day of hope. We honour the comradeship of shared struggle and remember those who are gone but not forgotten. Their sacrifice was not made in vain. It is a privilege and responsibility to live for them today,” he said.

Rev Jacobson and Padre Shange read from the scriptures after which the chilling Last Post was sounded and the flag lowered as everyone bowed their heads during the two minutes of silence. Wreaths were laid by the mayor and members of various regiments who were in attendance.


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