
Woman abducted and robbed at gunpoint

A woman was traumatised after being held up at gunpoint, abducted and robbed of her handbag in broad daylight.

A GANG of brazen armed robbers abducted a Glenwood woman and took her on a nightmare ride to a local shopping centre where they robbed her of her valuables on Monday morning.

Blue Security operations manager Brian Jackson said the woman was walking along Mazisi Kunene (South Ridge) Road early Monday morning when two men in a VW Polo pulled up alongside her.

“The men grabbed her from behind and forced her into their vehicle before speeding off in the direction of Musgrave Centre. The men stopped the vehicle at Musgrave Centre and pointed a firearm at her, demanding her handbag,” he said.

Jackson said the men then ordered her to get out of the vehicle and to not look back. They fled with her bag containing her bank cards, cellphone and cash.

“She was traumatised but not physically injured during the ordeal and managed to walk back to her residence in Glenwood,” he said.

Jackson advised residents to be vigilant when out walking and if possible to avoid walking alone carrying visible valuables such as handbags and cellphones.

“Always be alert and conscious of your surroundings when out walking and walk in the opposite direction to the flow of traffic so that you will be aware of approaching vehicles and can’t be surprised by a car that pulls up from behind. Apart from brute force and weapons, criminals rely on the element of surprise when preying on their victims, so being alert can markedly reduce your risk of becoming a target,” he said.

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