WATCH: The Jesus Dome to rise from ashes

Church leaders from the DCC Jesus Dome update the community on the progress of the church after a devastating fire earlier this year.

MONTHS after a fire gutted the massive Jesus Dome, things are finally happening.

The fire lit up the Durban skyline on the night of Tuesday 7 June as hundreds of people watched the fire devour the familiar dome roof from afar.

The church leaders, Senior Pastor John Torrens and Pastor Wayne Hopf update us on the recent progress of the building from inside the Jesus Dome site after the fire. They speak of legal issues which had the area locked down until recently when insurers accepted liability and opened the site to movement. Workers have begun clearing the site.

The best engineers in Durban have been to check the integrity of the concrete structure and the next step is for architects to put forward designs as plans go ahead to rebuild the structure.

“We thank everybody for praying with us during this very trying time. Out of the ashes we will arise! What the enemy meant for harm, God will reverse,” Pastor John Torren said.

In a statement on their website, the church said, “Despite the devastation of watching the Jesus Dome auditorium burn down on Tuesday night (07-06-2016), we have been overwhelmed by the love and kindness from the people of Durban and the hundreds of messages from South African and international pastors and friends. We stand united in our faith to rise triumphantly from the ashes and see the Jesus Dome rebuilt.

“Our Christian faith teaches us that all things are possible and no matter how tough the obstacles we shall overcome them.We thank God that no one was injured in the fire. The prayers and concern of so many people has been a heart-warming experience amidst the tragedy.”

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