News from Berea SAPS

News from Berea SAPS

Public stop thief

A woman who was walking along Berea Park Road last Tuesday afternoon was lucky to have her iPhone returned after being robbed by a knife-wielding man.

According to Captain PN Naidoo, communications officer at Berea SAPS, the woman was approached from behind by a suspect approximately 27 years old who held her at knife point and demanded her phone. “The suspect grabbed the iPhone and ran towards St Thomas Road but the woman screamed and members of the public gave chase and arrested the suspect,” he said. Naidoo said the police were called and the suspect was charged with robbery.

Police nab tyre thieves

TWO suspects found themselves down on their luck when they were caught red handed stealing tyres from a car parked in Morningside on Saturday afternoon.

According to Captain PN Naidoo, police were patrolling along Tenth Avenue when they noticed two suspicious men stealing the spare tyre and tyres from a bakkie parked on the road. “The police officers chased and arrested one suspect and the

complainant arrested the other. Both suspects were arrested for being in possession of suspected stolen property,” added Naidoo.

Crime safety tips

BEREA police encouraged businesses in the area to join local community police forums to discuss safety threats and measures in the area and establish contact with other community members or businesses.

“Do not discuss finances or banking arrangements with anyone, even employees. Make sure everyone has left the premises and the doors are locked before cashing up. Also, take photographs and fingerprints of all employees, even guards to

discourage them from getting involved in crime,” added Captain PN Naidoo, communications officer at Berea SAPS.

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