Student fee protests spread to DUT

EFF Student Command and SASCO students put aside their differences as they united in protest against 2017 fee increase outside Steve Biko campus this morning.

BEREA police warned at least 400 Durban University of Technology students against “unruly and violent” protests this morning.

The warning came from Berea SAPS visible policing commander, Colonel WR Xulu after students went on the rampage outside Steve Biko campus and set fire to rubbish in the middle of Steve Biko and Ritson Roads.

“We came through just after the fire was started,” said Captain PN Naidoo who was at the scene, adding that Col Xulu had warned the students not to behave in an unruly and violent fashion or they would be arrested.

“Starting fires on public property and disrupting traffic flow will get them arrested,”said Naidoo.

The group of students momentarily heeded the police warning, and went back into the campus singing, chanting and toyi-toyiing, however a short while later they returned to the road.

The EFF Student Command and SASCO students put aside their differences as they joined hands in protest against 2017 fee increases

Meanwhile Alan Khan, senior director of corporate affairs at the University issued a statement this morning, “Please note that all lectures, practicals and assessments at the Durban University of Technology will be suspended on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 and on Wednesday, 28 September 2016. This will include the closure of the libraries. However, all staff are required to report for duty at the university.”

Berea police as well as the University’s Mi7 security units were stationed around the campus to contain the situation.

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