Latest news from Berea SAPS

Berea police made good arrests keeping crime down over the past weekend.

Police arrest suspect with dangerous weapon

BEREA police officers arrested a 29-year-old man for possession of a dangerous weapon in the early hours of last Thursday morning. According to Captain PN Naidoo, communications officer at Berea SAPS, the officers were patrolling along Avondale Road around 2.15am when they noticed a suspicious man walking on the road. “They stopped and searched the man and found that he was carrying a large knife. “Our area has experienced a few common robberies where a knife was used, so the suspect was arrested for being in possession of a dangerous weapon and detained at Berea SAPS,” Naidoo said.

Laptop recovered

THREE robbers got more than they bargained for when Berea police officers clamped down on the trio when they robbed a taxi commuter on Friday night.

According to Berea SAPS, communications officer, Captain PN Naidoo, the victim was in a taxi on Mansfield Road around 10.30pm with the three male suspects allegedly sitting behind him. “As the taxi approached the intersection of Berea (King Dinuzulu) and Botanic Gardens, they allegedly held him up with a knife and took his laptop, cellphone and wallet and fled from the taxi,” he explained.

Naidoo said the victim also got off the taxi and tried to get help, when he noticed a police van go past. “He stopped the police and told them what had happened and the officers gave chase. the managed to arrest suspects and recovered the man's belongings,” said Naidoo.The suspects were charged with common robbery.

Suspicious vehicles to look out for on the Berea

Berea police have noticed a few suspicious vehicles in the area that have been used when committing crimes and appeal to the community to be extra vigilant and aware of these vehicles if they are seen loitering in the area. Silver VW Polo with a NRB registration, red VW Polo, white VW Polo.

Be crime aware

Berea police appeal to community members to try to stay calm if they are in a hijacking situation.”If confronted by hijacker do not lose your cool, threaten or challenge the hijacker. Do exactly as you are told and surrender your vehicle and move away. Remember property can be replaced, but not lives. Don’t reach for your purse or valuables as this may threaten the hijackers and you may get hurt,” explained Captain Naidoo.

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