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Focus on suicide prevention

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) will be holding a free online Q & A session on World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday 9 September.

IF you have lost a loved one to suicide, know someone who has attempted suicide or want to know how to help someone who is suicidal, The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) will be holding a free online Q & A session on World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday 9 September to help answer any questions.

There are 23 completed suicides in South Africa every day, and for every suicide, there are 20 attempted suicides.

“Seventy five per cent of people tell the next person about someone they know who has attempted suicide. Therefore, it is vital for family members and loved ones to know the warning signs and symptoms of suicide,” said clinical psychologist and SADAG board member, Zamo Mbele.

Psychologist Gregory Eccles, said: “Many people don’t know how to respond to suicide, attempted suicide, and suicidal ideation (the feeling of wanting to commit suicide). Some might frame suicides and attempts as ‘selfish acts,’ accusing the individual of not caring for those around them. Suicidal ideation is often brushed off, painted as someone being ‘overdramatic,’ or dismissed as an empty threat. The truth is that suicidal people are scared to face it head on – mortality can be a frightening concept!”

The Facebook Friday free Q&A on Friday will focus on suicide prevention, and experts will be answering questions on recognising the warning signs and symptoms of suicide, how to get help and coping with the loss of a loved one. This is a good opportunity to ask experts for free help, guidance and information.

The afternoon chat starts at 1pm – 2pm with Zamo Mbele and the evening chat starts at 7pm – 8pm with Gregory Eccles.

To join the chats, LIKE SADAG’s Facebook Page: The South African Depression and Anxiety Group or go to www.sadag.org. Facebook users that would like to remain anonymous can send a private message and SADAG will ask on their behalf.

SADAG provides free telephonic counselling and nationwide referrals to support groups, psychologists, psychiatrists and clinics. Call the Suicide Crisis Helpline on 0800 567 567, or SMS 31393. The line is open seven days a week, every day of the year, from 8am to 8pm.

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