Rotting rubbish causes a stink

Rubbish left at the Kingpark Athletics Stadium caused a stink at a recent athletics meet.

THE stench of a mountain of rubbish is what greeted school athletes at Kingspark Athletics Stadium recently. According to Durban resident, Madeleen van Vuuren, the state of the rubbish left to pile up behind the stands in the stadium, which is frequented by athletes from around the country was an embarrassment.

“The athletes had to put up with the smell, which was terrible, not to mention the fact that this is an eyesore! I can’t believe this rubbish could be left in the open like this,” she said.

eThekwini Head of the Communications Unit, Tozi Mthethwa said the municipality was not aware of the pile of rubbish at the student and had tasked the relevant unit to investigate and address the problem.

She said in the municipality’s effort to maintain a clean and sustainable city, residents are encouraged to continue reporting illegal dumping and littering to 031 311 8804.

“Residents are urged to be champions of change by taking care of the environment and not littering,” she said.

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