
Pokemon Go raises security risks

Parents are advised not to allow kids to go off on their own to play this game.

POLICE, community police forums and security neighbourhood watches around the Berea have appealed to the public to be aware of the latest mobile virtual reality craze Pokemon Go, which has may security concerns for those playing the game as well as residents and motorists.

Morningside resident and chairperson of the Berea SCF Sector 2, Nicky Burke, said three young boys who were allegedly engrossed in playing the game at Botanic Gardens last Wednesday were held up by suspects who threatened to stab them. “The young boys had their cellphones stolen and were completely shaken by the robbery,” Burke said.

“All people playing this game are easy targets as you are not aware of your surroundings and the criminals know this and catch you off guard.

“Parents, don’t allow your kids to go off on their own to play this game, be safe,” she advised.

While the incident created shock waves for many students playing the game in the Gardens on Monday. Yuveer Budram acknowledged the game was “very addictive and competitive”. “I do realise it does pose a security risk because we do see people completely engrossed in the game and even outside the Gardens walking with their phone out on the roads. It’s also a lot worse than texting and driving and I know of people who drive around playing the game,” he said.

KZN Community Assist and Disaster Management director, Mark Lombaard said he was doing research on the game and how it related to crime. “There are related incidents where there have been reports of people allegedly playing the game and we discover house breakings and car thefts in the area soon after,” he said.

Lombaard felt the criminal element was utilising the game for their own gain. He said criminals who log into the game are made aware of spots of high activity and were drawn to places like parks, gyms or areas that enjoy a lot of public traffic. They are aware players are distracted and make easy pickings. He warned that some criminals also drove and walked around the area pretending to be playing the game but in actual fact were scouting the area.

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