ANC leads but DA picks up two extra wards in eThekwini

The ANC has won 74 of the 110 wards in eThekwini.

LOCAL Democratic Alliance councillors made a clean sweep of Durban central wards, retaining all seven wards and gaining a further two wards in the process.

According to candidate Nicole Graham who posted on Facebook earlier this evening, the DA wards saw great turnouts and won wards 25 and 30 from the ANC while they retained wards 27, 31, 33, 63, 64, 66 and 68.  The DA also showed strong support in wards 26, 28, 32 and 101.

According to the IEC website, the ANC has retained a majority in eThekwini with 52.28 per cent of the total vote followed by the DA with 31.68 per cent. Of the 110 wards in eThekwini, the ANC won 74 wards, the DA and independents and other parties won the rest.

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