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Petrol strike starts today

The workers demands a 9 per cent wage increase.

MOTORISTS have been advised to fill up their tanks as a petrol strike starts today, Thursday, 28 July.

Fuel stations pumps could run dry as about 15 000 workers go on a strike, demanding higher wages.

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) announced that they fully support the Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers Union (CEPPWAWU) in its planned strike over wage negotiations against the employers in the chemical industry, the National Petroleum Employers Association. CEPPWAWU has already served a 48-hours industrial strike notice with effect from today, Thursday, 28 July, and they have made it very clear that they are ready to lead workers to the streets to demand a living wage.

In a statement on the COSATU website, Sizwe Pamla, the union’s national spokesman, said it was unacceptable that the employers have refused to accede to the workers reasonable demands , especially considering that the high consumer price inflation; food, transport, goods and services, have orbited further away from the reach of working class families.

“The price of bread has gone up 10.6 per cent and transport by 8.7 per cent. The current employers offer of a mere 6,5 per cent on wage increment is wholly inadequate,” he said.

COSATU is calling on the employers to accede to the workers demands of a 9 per cent wage increase , minimum wage of R8,000 and a one-year agreement.

Pamla said to avoid strikes and improve labour relations, employers need to address the extreme levels of inequality and poverty wages they pay workers.

“A meaningful living wage is also good for the economy because it will make a significant contribution to stimulating equitable economic growth and development.

“”We are calling on all our affiliates to support CEPPWAWU in their struggles. The 12th National Congress of the federation made it very clear that all our affiliates are expected to practice the principle of solidarity and ensure that they support each other’s struggles.

“An injury to one is an injury to all,” he added.

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