Battery thief nabbed

Berea police made good arrests over the past week.

ACCORDING to Captain PN Naidoo, communications officer at Berea SAPS, police officers were patrolling along Clarence Road, Morningside just before 7am last Thursday when they noticed a suspicious young man tampering with a parked vehicle. “They stopped and checked what was happening and they noticed the suspect had removed the battery from the vehicle. The officers arrested the suspect for theft from motor vehicle and detained him at Berea saps.

Vehicle recovered

ON Friday, Berea SAPS received a report of a vehicle stolen from Ridge Road. “The vehicle was fitted with a tracking device and the tracking signal was followed by police members. The signal lead them to Berea Road where the vehicle was recovered, along with another stolen vehicle and four suspects ages 28, 29, 20 and 18 were arrested. Cellphones and a firearm and ammo was also seized from the suspects who were detained at Berea SAPS,” Naidoo added.

Be crime aware

Berea police encourage the community use these safety tips to try to avoid a hijacking situation.

“Be familiar with your environment, always be alert and watch out for suspicious people and vehicles and do not hesitate to report them to the police,” explained Captain Naidoo.

Naidoo said motorists must not wait in the car when picking up people, “Either get out and lock the car and go in or drive around the block until they are ready. Be alert when approaching your vehicle, an intersection or your destination and be prepared to take evasive action if necessary,” he added.

He discouraged travelling alone at night unless necessary. “Remember hijackers are professional and they plan their attacks carefully, so be alert!” he concluded.

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