Addington Hospital the focus on Mandela Day

ANC MP Omie Singh and ward candidates from Gedleyihlekisa Zone (wards 26, 27, 28, 30, 32 and 64) got their hands dirty painting walls at Addington Hospital on Monday for Mandela Day.

ANC ward candidates together with MP Omie Singh from Gedleyihlekisa Zone (wards 26, 27, 28, 30, 32 and 64) put their hands to work painting walls at Addington Hospital on Monday for Mandela Day.

“Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. The Mandela Day campaign message is: “Nelson Mandela has fought for social justice for 67 years. We’re asking you to start with 67 minutes. The honouring of our great icon Nelson Mandela by doing 67 minutes of community service is an international event to mark the great sacrifice Madiba made to save South Africa from apartheid.

Today our ward candidates will start their service delivery even before they are elected on 3 August, yes we are confident they will take up their posts,” said Singh.

Hundreds of litres of paint and supplies were sponsored by several businesses to the Gedleyihlekisa Zone for the Mandela Day activity.

Yusuf Mohamed, ground field manager at the Al Imdaad Foundation, who runs the Slice-4-Life sandwich feeding scheme at Addington Hospital said, “We are here feeding patients everyday but today is an extra special day, so we will distribute 200 blankets and 100 walking sticks to patients in need.”

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