SPCA receive massive dog food donation

SPAR and Bobtail donated a tail wagging two tons of dog food to Durban SPCA as part of a recent in-store promotion.

THE Durban SPCA was one of four animal welfare organisations to receive a generous donation of two tons of Bobtail dog food on Friday.

The large donation was the result of a recent promotion between SPAR and Bobtail dogfood where a portion of sales were reserved for animal charities.

Lindsey Concer, income development and communications manager at the Durban SPCA said the ëxceptionally generous donation” could not have come at a better time. “Winter is always a difficult time for us with really slow donations. We need about 150kgs of food per day on average, so a donation of this magnitude really puts our minds at ease that our animals will have full bellies and their tails will be wagging. We really do appreciate SPAR and Bobtail’s effort because it will aid so many animals in need and possibly carry us through the tough winter months,” Concer added.

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