Intervention team to deal with bus service

The municipality said an intervention team will deal with issues relating to the financial issues surrounding the Durban bus service.

THE eThekwini Municipality has said it will ensure the bus service in Durban runs smoothly, to benefit citizens of the city.

This comes after reports that the municipality and transport operator Tansnat have come to blows again over the financing of the service.

Tansnat has stated the municipality has not paid R132 million to the service, which it states could leave thousands of commuters and bus drivers in limbo, with imminent strikes if the situation is not resolved.

Reports state that Public Protector, Thuli Madonsela, has been drawn into the disagreement, after the municipality has allegedly breached a court order put forward in March where a task team was to be appointed to oversee Tansnat's finances. This follows the establishment of a team to oversee and manage Tansnat's new ring-fenced bank account.

The disagreement between the two entities started last year, where the City stated the bus service owed it more than R40 million, however Tansnat stated the City owed it millions. A joint statement from the municipality and bus service in April provided that a law firm be appointed to adjudicate the financial claims, and part of the agreement claimed that funds relating to Tansnat would be transferred into the ring-fenced account.

Reports this week state that the city has reneged on this agreement, and has failed to pay the monthly subsidies to the company. Tansnat is now considering taking legal action.

EThekwini Head of Communications, Tozi Mthethwa responded to Berea Mail's enquiries by stating: “eThekwini Municipality will not get into the merits or demerits of the enquiry. Our position is that all matters relating to the running of the bus service will be dealt with through the intervention team set up by Council thus guaranteeing that bus operations run smoothly, which is in the best interest of eThekwini residents.”

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