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What it means to be a dad

A local blogger and new dad gives his take on Father's Day.

FOR most guys, becoming a dad for the first time is a big deal but often, they can be in for a bit of a shock – not knowing the first thing when it comes to pregnancy, birth, or playing their pivotal role in a baby’s life. Then you get the exception, Glenwood’s Don ‘The Don Father’ Dinnematin – husband, proud father and a passionate-about-life bloke, who creatively captures his kid on a blog he hopes will inspire and equip new dads with the basic knowledge he wishes he was exposed to.

Here’s his take on Father’s Day.

Becoming a dad

They all said, “Say goodbye to your social life!” and “Get plenty of sleep now, because soon you'll be wishing you could” (As if it's possible to stockpile sleep for later use). But they seemed to leave out the good, more important parts to their advice.

We all have an idea of what having a baby is like, right? Maybe a bit like that scene in ‘Knocked Up’ or something off ‘One Born Every Minute’. But what becomes apparent, very quickly, is that each birth and parenting experience is unique and that you don't know anything at all. No scene in any movie will give you even a sliver of insight into childbirth or parenthood. At first I was worried about how I was going to be a Dad, how was I going to take on this huge title and be good at it. No-one offers you training before hand, there is no interview either, you are simply deemed fit for the job. What I can say is that when the big day finally arrives, all those fears disappear, your instinct steps in and your pride generates a confidence that you never thought possible. Suddenly you are self-informed and in sync with the needs of your new baby.

Although at times it can feel as if you have been thrown into the middle of a tornado, your life really does change, but in the most beautiful way.

You wake up before the sun rises and realize how you have never experienced a cup of coffee on the patio, in the crisp morning air. You realise that one of the most astonishing things in life, is life itself, and watching your new baby sleep leaves you in complete awe. Afternoon naps have upped their ranking in your weekend schedule and now most arrangements are planned around that heavenly 2pm snooze. A family walk along the beach on a Sunday takes preference as you and your wife soak in the reality of what the word ‘family’ really means.

As a new Dad, you have to openly accept certain changes. I have had to quickly accept that the bag I will be carrying around most of the time is bright pink, that dealing with poop is how I will start my day, and that there is no guarantee I will be vomit free by the time I leave for work in the mornings. You also have to train your stomach into hibernation mode, baby’s needs come before your stomach growl and dinner will most probably only be eaten after 8pm.

Amongst all the craziness and excitement of this new role, one baby cliché that actually rings true is that you have never known a love like you do now – a love that makes everything you've ever done in your life feel insignificant when you look at those tiny eyes staring up at you.

Happy Father’s Day.

Don “The Don Father” Dinnematin



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