What’s on this weekend

Events and meetings in and around Durban this weekend and coming week.

LIFELONG Learning presents a talk on The secret of happiness on Friday, 17 June at 10.30am at the British Heritage Society, Berea Bowling Club.

Dan Gilbert, professor of psychology at Harvard University, speaks on the secret of happiness and the Kingdom of Bhutan's Prime Minister shares his country's mission to put happiness before economic growth and set a world standard for environmental preservation. Cost is R40 cash at the door or R30 early bird booking, includes refreshments.

Register on: LLLkzn.net or contact Rochelle on 031 205 5664 or 084 446 6362.

TAFTA will host a care home open day at its frail care, assisted living and care cottage facilities on Friday, 17 June.

Contact Helen Cosnett on 031 332 3721 or email: helenc@tafta.org.za

THE South African Writers' Circle meets on Saturday, 18 June at the Westville Library (Room G4) at 11am.

Arend Hoogenvorstl is the guest speaker with the theme being 'truly unbelievable' and his talk entitled Lelsie Howard and Flight 777 – A Mystery and a Play.

A workshop will follow conducted by Ginny Porter on “How to crack the case: Your job as a research author”. A book auction will also be held.

Take a plate of eats to share. Cost is R10 for members and R20 for visitors. Contact Brigitta Simpson on 071 681 8378 or southafricanwriterscircle@gmail.com

GARDEN and Houseplant meets on Saturday, 18 June at 2.15pm at the Musgrave Methodist Church Hall, entrance in St Thomas Road.

The speaker is Pieter du Plessis, who has compiled a talk on Where have all the Fireflies gone?, and will also give a show about the environment.

Members pay R15 and visitors R20 for an excellent talk and tasty tea.

Contact Naomi Stapersma on 031 465 7358 or 072 103 9591.

THE Annual General Meeting of the Durban Girls’ College Old Girls’ Guild takes place at 7.30am on Monday, 20 June in the Board Room of Trust House, Durban Girls’ College, 586 Musgrave Road. Contact Alison Parle on 072 785 3086.

A BOOK launch of UK-author Martin Plaut's book Promise & Despair the 1909 search for a non-racial SA Constitution, is on Monday, 20 June at Ike’s Books 48A Florida Road at 6pm. RSVP to Cedric on 082 873 2702.

BIRDLIFE Port Natal will host an outing to Pigeon Valley on Wednesday, 22 June at 7.30am.

Entrance is free. Take a chair and picnic basket for afterwards. Confirm attendance by contacting Sandi du Preez on 031 701 4839.

GLENWOOD Presbyterian Church, 339 Esther Roberts Road, Glenwood will host a fundraising venture for its various outreach programs, the Glenwood Presbyterian Church Operation Outreach Fund Night Market, on Friday, 24 June from 5pm to 8pm.

There will be various stalls which include books, cakes, collectibles, crafts, preserves, sweets, toys and food, including soups, puddings and a coffee truck.

THE Annual General Meeting of Feed the Babies Fund is at 23 York Avenue, Glenwood on Tuesday 28 June at 3pm.

If you wish to attend, RSVP to Fazana at info@feedthebabiesfund.org.za

WEEKLY meditation classes in Morningside on 'living in the moment' will be every Thursday at 7pm to 8.15pm at Positive Health Studio, 5 Claribel Road.

Everyone is Welcome, cost R40 donation to non-profit organisation. Contact 031 266 0096, info@meditateindurban.org or www.meditateindurban.org

THE Happiness Course, a meditation programme for everyone, runs every Saturday morning at 10.30am to noon at 26 Menston Road, Westville.

Suitable for absolute beginners. R60 donation to non-profit organisation.

THE Morning Trade – Durban's weekly artisan food and produce market is every Sunday from 8am to 1pm at The Plant – 5 Station Drive, Station Drive Precinct, Durban.

The Morning Trade is a top quality weekly food market which focuses on providing an urban space for Durbanites to buy their weekly fresh produce, top quality meats, farm fresh ingredients, delectable specialities and community-conscious foods. Free entrance for customers.

ENJOY social Line dancing every Thursday from 6pm to 7pm at Stella Park Bowling Club, 337 Bartle Road, Umbilo. Contact Peter on 031 205 2488.

IF you're nervous of speaking to people you don't know, or you get stage fright when you're asked to do a presentation at work, then joining Toastmasters can truly help you. Visit the Speakeasy Toastmasters Club on the third Tuesday evening of the month, at 5.30pm for 6pm at the Glenwood Boys' High School.

A fee of R80 includes a meal. RSVP to speakeasyglenwood@gmail.com timeously for catering purposes.

SASFA (South African Senior Fitness Association) will hold exercises classes for people aged 50+ every Monday and Thursday from 9am to 10am at the Masonic Lodge Hunt Road, Durban. Contact Gill on 031 702 6522.

NAZARETH House Charity Shop, 82 South Ridge Road, Berea is open daily Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 2.30pm.The charity shop raises much-needed funds for the home and needs the support of the


Any donations of clothing, bric-a-brac etc are welcome. Nazarerth House will collect. Contact 031 261 2207.

TAFTA will host a support group for friends, family members and care givers of Alzheimers patients at TAFTA Lodge, 42 South Beach Avenue, Durban. Contact

Nivashnee on 031 332 3721 for more information.

CHESHIRE Home Sparks Estate, 145 Mary Road, Sydenham, invites the public to support its charity shop every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 11.30am. All welcome.

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