Be cautious as protests continue

While calm seems to be restored in Durban, motorists are encouraged to exert caution on roads after the violent politically-motivated protests yesterday.

POLICE will continue to monitor the protest hotspots from yesterday’s violent protests.

A community safety activist and Sydenham CPF member, Satish Dhupelia, said Chris Hani (North Coast) Road had been reported clear and traffic ran smoothly with SAPS and POPS (public order police) present. “Some roads still have debris, especially the M19, Inanda Road and Sea Cow Lake Road, so please drive carefully,” he advised.

Dhupelia said early this morning people started gathering in Inanda from about 4am but were quelled by POPS. “At the moment there is calm, however do take care as things can change at any minute,”he added.

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Roads blockaded due to protests 


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