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Grant deduction backpay for pensioners

Tafta is relieved that something is being done by SASSA to curb illegal deductions from old age grants.

A RECENT statement by Minister Bathabile Dlamini indicating that beneficiaries of social grants who have had funds illegally deducted from their pensions, will be compensated for funds lost has been welcomed.

The statement comes after Minister Dlamini briefed the media on the subject of unauthorised grant deductions, where pensioners had money deducted from their old age grants for cellphone airtime, funeral insurance, pre-paid electricity, water accounts and loan deductions.

He said last year of the 13 000-plus disputes recorded and investigated, 77 per cent were resolved in the beneficiaries’ favour. However, he cautioned that the department was overwhelmed by disputes and many were not even recorded. In February alone, SASSA had more than 40 000 queries.

Minister Dlamini highlighted that amendments to the act had been made and a recourse mechanism was in place with SASSA and that affected individuals would be backpaid.

“After consideration was given to all comments, we will be revising regulations to the Social Assistance Act which will put an end to the tide of unauthorised and unlawful deductions,” he said.

TAFTA, The Assocation for the Aged, commended the move to accept the amendments to the Social Assistance Act to close the loopholes which made these deductions possible.

Chief Executive Officer, Margie Smith, said TAFTA applauded the decision to have the recourse mechanisms firmly placed with SASSA.

“This means that affected people will no longer have to go back and forth between CPS and SASSA. SASSA is now legally responsible for assisting people who have had monies illegally deducted from their pensions. People affected will be happy to know that they will receive backpay of deducted amounts from 2012.”

She said the decisive action and boldness of the Minister meant victory for pensioners.

“The challenge which lies ahead is to see how quickly the wheels of bureaucracy will turn to afford our pensioners justice. The Minister’s call for caution in taking up the Green Card System should be heeded,” she said.

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