
Metro urged to act on illegal parking

Ward councillor Nicole Graham has asked Metro Police to attend to illegal parking in Heather Road.

UMBILO residents are appealing to Metro Police to act against a security company which runs its operation in Heather Road from parking its vehicles illegally along the narrow road.

According to the resident, who asked not to be named, the security company moved into premises at the beginning of April. It proceeded to park its company vehicles along the road with two wheels on the pavement effectively making it difficult for pedestrians who are now forced to walk on the road to pass the parked vehicles.

“A number of children and old age pensioners residing at TAFTA premises situated at the corner of Umbilo and Heather Road use the road regularly. I am afraid that it will not be long before somebody is injured, or worse, by a vehicle travelling down the road. There are yellow no parking lines painted on either side and running the full length of the road,” he said.

The resident said when he exits his driveway and a vehicle is parked on the pavement outside his house, it is impossible to see if any traffic is coming down the road until he has reversed almost into the middle of the road.

“I have reported this to Metro Police on four occasions but nothing has been done. I have telephoned and emailed the company’s head office, and I have reported it to their office in Heather Road. The IT specialist who came to repair my computer found it very difficult to enter and leave our premises, and has also visited the office and phoned the head office to no effect,” he said.

Adding to this, the resident said vehicles come and go from the premises from about 5.30am which disturbed his sleep.

“At times when they are interviewing for guards, the applicants congregate on the pavement outside our house and talk at the top of their voices creating a nuisance. My wife and I have also recently retired so we are home most days,” he said.

In response to queries from Berea Mail, Councillor Nicole Graham said she had requested that Metro Police assist with yellow lines, enforcement and zoning of the property in question.

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