City investigates metro chief’s alleged abuse of power

Allegations that Metro police chief Eugene Nzama had two 'illegal' security guards arrested is being investigated by the municipality.

MUNICIPAL Metro Police chief, Eugene Nzama is in hot water again after he reportedly abused his power to have two ‘illegal’ foreign security guards arrested. The city confirmers this week that an investigation into the controversial Metro chief is underway.

According to reports, Nzama visited a store in the Springfield area on 8 May, and was told the security doorman would sign off his receipt at the exit. He however refused to allow the guard to check his receipt, and instead asked the man to produce his permit. He allegedly threatened to call the police and proceeded to do so and had the man arrested. Two metro police officers arrived at the store and removed the security guard.

It is alleged that two days later, six uniformed metro officers accompanied by three men wearing Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority jackets, arrived at the same store and arrested the new security doorman. He was allegedly told he could not work as a security guard as he was a foreigner and did not have a Security Officers Board number.

Responding to the allegations, eThekwini Head of Communications, Tozi Mthethwa said the matter would be investigated and if found to be true, a disciplinary process will be followed accordingly.

She said the EThekwini Municipality did not discuss details pertaining to internal investigations based on allegations against any member of staff with a third party as these matters were confidential between the employer and concerned employee.

“If and when there are labour related issues we address those concerns directly with the employee/s concerned,” she said.

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