
News from Berea SAPS

Five suspects were arrested for drug possession in Berea over the past week.

Five arrested for drug possession

BEREA police held stop and search operations during the course of the week at various points in the Berea SAPS policing area and arrested five people for being in possession of drugs. Lieutenant PN Naidoo, communications officer at Berea police said the suspects aged between 20 and 34-years-old were arrested in the vicinty of John Zikhali (Sydenham), Stephen Dlamini (Essenwood) Road, Seventh Avenue and Steve Biko Road. Members of the community are warned to stay away from drugs or they will be arrested,” added Naidoo.

Berea cops catch cellphone thief

BEREA police arrested a 25-year-old suspect for theft of a cellphone last Thursday. According to Lieutenant PN Naidoo, officers were patrolling along Vause Road when the robbery took place. “The suspect was chased and caught and the cellphone recovered The complainant was walking on Vause Road when she was approached by an unknown male who grabbed her cellphone and fled,” he said.

Crime Awareness TipLieutenant PN Naidoo said he was concerned with people still not taking proper security precautions of their property and themselves.”We have noticed while patrolling, that people are sitting in unlocked vehicles chatting, garage doors are left opened, valuables such as wallets, laptops, cellphones, ipads and clothing are being stolen out of motor vehicles,” he said.

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