Relief for flood victims

The municipality, in partnership with NGOs, is providing relief for 300 people affected by flood damage.

MORE than 300 people have been left homeless after heavy rains lashed Durban at the weekend. eThekwini Municipality, together with non-governmental organisations as well as the provincial government, is currently providing relief for those families who have been displaced by the floods.

As of 3pm on Monday 9 April, eThekwini Disaster Management Centre had recorded 325 people who had been displaced in Wards 74 and 79. A total of 129 households were affected while 68 families required assistance interventions ranging from shelter, clothes and meals.

So far two children are reported to have lost their lives during structural collapse incidents in Ward 71, Chatsworth, and Ward 88 in Umlazi. South African Police Services reports indicate that four adults were washed away in a Shallcross river, two bodies have been found and two are still missing.

EThekwini Mayor, James Nxumalo, confirmed that emergency and disaster teams from the municipality are concluding assessment work in various parts of the City that were affected.

“The municipality will be able to release a consolidated report in a few days. We will then allow mop up operations to start and our medium to long term measures will be implemented. For now, we have opened the community halls in affected areas as immediate relief. Hot meals and grocery hampers are being provided at these facilities,” said Nxumalo.

He thanked the private sector partners and NGOs who have committed to assist the affected families. On Monday, Al Imdaad donated 100 mattresses and blankets.

Other affected areas are Reservoir Hills, Seacow Lake, Amaoti, St Wendolins, Siyanda located in KwaMashu and Lamontville where homes and roads have been damaged.

The public is encouraged to report flood damages to local councillors or call the 24 hour Emergency Services call centre on 031 361 0000.

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