Architect student eyeing prestige competition

Najeeba Hassim of the University of KwaZulu-Natal will participate in a prestigious architectural competition.

AFTER winning the University of the KwaZulu-Natal architectural student of the year competition, Najeeba Hassim has been working on her winning entry for the 29th Corobrik Architectural Student of the Year.

Najeeba Hassim’s winning thesis title is Defining an architectural typology: Inner City Green Centres within South Africa.

She proposes an environmental research facility in KwaZulu-Natal to address threatened natural resources. She said this does not seem to be high in priority in most city projects within South Africa.

“As such, a refreshed mind-set towards the built form to restore, preserve and promote key green assets is necessary,” said Hassim.

The Green Centre is located within a dynamic context of light industrial, commercial and environmental nodes, sits along the edge of the Umgeni River, in Briardene. The design promotes ‘Green as an experience’, such as experiencing a journey that aims to educate and expose new attitudes towards key green assets such as the Umgeni River. The design principles were inspired by the ecological theory and the cradle to cradle approach. This allows the Green Centre to enhance its local surroundings whilst promoting sustainable awareness. The environmental research facility aims to search for solutions to improve the river water quality, protect and enhance eco-systems and harness untapped potential for river currents.

This proposal acts as a catalyst by positively influencing the river eco-systems and water quality, future developments along the river and the general public.

Najeeba Hassim is one of eight finalists who will compete against each other for the prestigious prize of R50 000.

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