Dream come true for Matt

Thanks to help from the community, a local public speaker flew overseas to take part in the World's Debating and Public Speaking Competition.

MATT Glasspool's dream to compete in the World's Debating and Public Speaking Competition came true recently, thanks to help from the community, family and friends who helped raise funds for him to fly overseas.

Matt attended the event in Pittsburg USA last month as part of the South African team, and did everyone proud by being placed 24th overall out of 127 competitors. He won a place in the finals for his interpretive reading, and came third in the world in that category.

Matt, who said the competition was 'out of this world,' is back home and busy again with his duties as the 2016 Youth Mayor, a responsibility he takes very seriously. He had the opportunity of meeting people from all over the world and made lifelong friends and memories. The SA team were also fortunate to experience snow while there, which was one of the highlights of his trip.

Matt's mom, Tracey, said: “I was totally blown out of the waters with human kindness to Matt's cause. As a single mom this would never have become a reality without the help of our community both here and abroad. So as mom I say thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who was involved in anyway making Matt's dream come true! As one of the youngest speakers there Matt's achievement was superb. Matt gained much experience and the first thing he said when he got home was 'ok mom, I'm ready for next year in Sydney where I will put all I've learnt to good use and bring home that trophy!”

She said time will tell because he would still have to make the team, but knowing Matt's hard work and dedication, she as a mom has no doubt that he will be there again next year.

Family friend, Linda Lafitte, who went 'all out' to get publicity for Matt and to help raise funds for his trip, said: “Matt did us all proud and was a worthy ambassador for , Glenwood High School, province and country. What an amazing achievement from this capable unassuming and driven young man. I know this is only the start of his journey, and I look forward to his imminent success as he learns new skills and goes from strength to strength not only in this arena, but in every sphere of his life. I am excited to how he leaves his mark as Youth Mayor over the coming year.”

She thanked everyone who was instrumental in making Matt's dreams a reality.

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