Rose honoured on her 107th birthday

Rose Simpson is blown away by the fact she has seen a decade and more of life.

BETH Shalom resident, Rose Simpson, has seen more than her fair share of history and marvels at modern day technology at her milestone age of 107, which she celebrates today, Wednesday 13 April.

Rose is celebrating with her friends at the old age home in Berea, where she is being treated to a special tea. When speaking to Berea Mail on Tuesday, she said she had ordered a cake for the residents to have with their tea, but wanted to be 'out of the picture', but her friends had other ideas for the special woman who they felt deserved to be honoured on her birthday.

Rose said she attributed her long life to the fact that she had such good friends who cared for her at Beth Shalom, especially resident Joan Truscott, as well as the physiotherapist at the home, who took good care of her.

When asked if she ever thought she would live to such a ripe old age, Rose, who has a wonderful sense of humour, joked: “Oh no, I never thought I'd get to 107, if I'd known, I would've jumped out of the window! I think if I'd had children, I wouldn't have lived so long.”

Rose, the eldest of eight, was born in Johannesburg where she lived for 40 years before being transferred to Durban. She said she loved Johannesburg, and missed living there.

“I worked as a secretary and book keeper, and had to carry around heavy ledgers that weighed more than me, there weren't any nice little computers in those days! I started using a computer when I retired. I only retired when I was 76, as my work wanted to keep me on. I asked if they wanted me to come in in a wheelchair!” she said.

Rose said when she was at school, she would learn about a decade of history, and now she has seen that, and more! She said technology is one of the greatest things she has seen in all her years.

“It's all there is now. People walk around with those things clapped to their ears, if someone from the 20th century saw that they wouldn't know what was happening! Skype is a wonderful thing though, I just spoke to my nephew in Canada this morning,” she said.

Rose never married or had children, but had nephews and nieces who she is close to.

“They're all middle aged now, and I'm still around!” she laughed.

As a younger woman, Rose enjoyed reading, watching films, and going to the ballet and opera, and she said she still enjoys reading and watching films.

“If I am without a book, I am unhappy! I always intended to write, but I left it as it takes hard work,” she said.

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