
Beware of ‘crowbar robber’

A resident urges the community to be aware of the modus operandi. of a man who uses a crowbar to gain access to properties.

A GLENWOOD resident is urging other residents to be aware of what she described as a 'crowbar robber' who has targeted the area recently.

The resident said her flat, her son's flat and several others in the Glenwood and Musgrave area have been targeted in the past few weeks by this wily and clever man.

She said the police have reports of about 12 similar robberies per month in the area.

According to the woman, the man is tall, lean, athletic and light skinned.

“He rings the door bell and knocks on doors to ascertain whether people are present in their flats. He poses as part of a workforce in order to gain access to flats and is familiar with electronics, and cuts camera wires at the entrance to flats,” she said.

The man uses a crowbar to break down doors and heads straight for bedrooms where he carefully goes through personal jewellery and steals laptops, cameras and expensive jewellery items.

“He is calm and unfazed and can scale rooftops when he is cornered, however he avoids confrontation at all costs. He is currently very active in the Glenwood and Berea areas and is a menace to our society, incurring huge anxiety and stress,” she said.

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