At 108, Peggy is still going strong

Glenwood's Peggy Geithrie has celebrated yet another birthday, when she turned an amazing 108 years old on 4 February.

GLENWOOD centenarian, Peggy Geithrie, celebrated her 108th birthday on 4 February.

Peggy has been featured annually in Berea Mail since turning 100 years old, and according to her granddaughter, Lynn Roper, who she lives with, she is still doing well, although her hearing is ‘not great’ and she has been complaining recently of back pain.

“My gran is feeling tired now. She said she has been asking God to take her home, but that He obviously needs a hearing aid, as He’s not listening to her! Our domestic, Busi Ndlovu, said the Captain doesn’t want her!” said Lynn.

She said Peggy still enjoys keeping up to date with rugby and cricket, and stays informed about the news every day, as she loves reading the newspapers.

“I think she must be Berea Mail’s oldest reader! Gran loves watching sport and enjoys visits from her friends. She loves it when the family visits and she can watch the children playing in the pool,” she said.

Lynn’s husband, Gary, said: “Peggy is full of nonsense! We spar with each other all the time, and she is always teasing me and Busi. She still has her sense of humour!”

“Gran still has such strength in her eyes, and her voice,” said Lynn, and Gary added jokingly that she especially had strength in her voice!

Peggy received lots of visitors on her birthday last Thursday, and Miss Petit SA also visited her and took her flowers.

Peggy was born in Kokstad and grew up on a farm. She met her husband, Phillip, when she was 27. She has two children, two step-children, seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.

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