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Protesters out on bail after DUT illegal march

All protesters who were arrested at an illegal march at DUT's Steve Biko campus were released on bail this afternoon.

THE 29 illegal protesters who were arrested at DUT’s Steve Biko campus were released on conditional non-monetary bail at the Durban Regional court this afternoon.

The protesters made up of some DUT students and contracted cleaning and security staff had a courtroom full of supporters awaiting news of bail. When the magistrate announced all 29 would be released on a warning as bail had not been opposed by the state, a sigh of relief could be heard in the courtroom.

The magistrate ensured the 29 accused were fully aware of the serious nature of their charges (convening a gathering without notice) and were given a warning and strict bail conditions.

The conditions of bail include:

Not to hold any unlawful gatherings at any DUT campus.

Refrain from inciting, intimidating and or threatening any DUT staff members including colleagues in the performance of their duties,

Not to obstruct any SAPS members from conducting their duty at all DUT campuses.

The magistrate added if any of the bail conditions were violated, the state could revoke bail, re-arrest and detain them until the matter appears in court. While further investigation is underway, the matter is adjourned to 31 March.

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