City buses back on the road

The city bus service resumed operations today.

COMMUTERS breathed sighs of relief yesterday when striking Durban Transport bus drivers got back behind the wheels of their buses as the two week industrial action over late payment of their December salaries and bonuses came to an end.

EThekwini Municipality has already processed the payment of 1000 verified employees. The remaining employees, not more than 10, who have not been paid their December salary and bonus, were to be paid by this morning, 15 January 2016.

The City’s intervention was to avert the crisis after Durban Transport bus operator Tansnat approached the City indicating it had a funding shortfall and was unable to pay its workers. Accordingly, the City is addressing the shortfall by paying the workers.

All Durban Transport buses were back in operation this morning.
The Municipality apologised to commuters for the inconvenience caused during the interruption of the bus service.

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