
Crime tips to keep you safe this festive season

Berea police encourage the community to stay safe by taking extra precaution with these safety tips over the festive season.

BEREA police have encouraged the public to be proactive this year by complying with a few crime tips to create a safer festive season.

According to Berea SAPS, SCF Sector two commander, Sgt Trevor James, the police will be out in full force from now until the new year with festive season operations including Vehicle Check Points (VCP's), random road blocks and continuous visibility.

“With many community members doing last minute shopping, we appeal that you are always cautious about where you keep your money, whether is on your person or in the vehicle. Also when shopping, ladies must keep handbags closed and close to you and never leave a handbag in a trolley even if you are pushing it. Men must make sure wallets are not visible, the festive season does also bring about many opportunistic criminals and pick pocketing,” he warned.

James said the main point the public should remember, was to always be aware of your surroundings, whether you are at home or out shopping or at the beach. “If you see any suspicious person or activity, report it to security at the place or to your local police. Remember when placing purchases in your car, ensure that it is inconspicuous. Always carry parking tickets with you, this is a safety measure as if criminals have their sights on stealing your vehicle they will have to go to security in order to get out of a parking lot. Also, park in designated parking areas that has a lot of foot traffic and is well lit to avoid car theft.”

The safety of children and pets is also a priority for police and James said, if any children or pets are left unattended in vehicles, police would not hesitate to break open windows to retrieve them. “We would also charge people in terms of the Child Care Act and Cruelty to Animals Act. If taking children to the movies, shopping or the beach, ensure they are under full supervision,” he added.

When consuming alcohol, James warned that a sober designated driver should be arranged or a cab to avoid any run-ins with the law. “Practice patience and tolerance as there will be many long queues and traffic jams around this time of year. People must refrain from becoming frustrated and abusive over the festive period as it could lead to mall or road rage or even accidents,” he added.

When leaving home for a night out or holiday, James advises you inform neighbours to be on the lookout and contact you or your security company or police, if there is any suspicious activity. “it is imperative to adequately secure your home before leaving. Berea police wishes our community a safe and enjoyable festive season,” he concluded.

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