Residents threaten protest action against speedsters

Residents living in and around Trematon Drive are considering holding a demonstration to have something done about speed calming in the road.

ANOTHER accident on Trematon Drive, Morningside, has highlighted the need for speed calming measures in the road, and residents are threatening to hold a demonstration to get the municipality’s attention.

The most recent accident took place on Saturday, and according to resident Deidre Chaperon was very serious.

“I witnessed yet another accident on the race track known as Trematon Drive. Due to the speed the driver was travelling, the car skimmed off a light pole and tree and overturned. I spoke to the residents of the house where it happened and they had just arrived home ten minutes before it happened otherwise they could have been killed outside their garage,” she said.

Chaperon said there were only a few palm trees left on Trematon Drive because many of them had been demolished in car accidents.

When is someone going to even try and control speed on this road? The municipality says they cannot put in a circle or traffic lights because of the type of road it is. No, they’d rather let people die! – she said.

She suggested a solution may be to close the top of Venice Road and make it a cul-de-sac.

“Then at least that would stop crossing traffic being hit by speeding drivers. One must realise that there is a school in this road. It’s time the municipality did something about it otherwise the local community are considering organising a demonstration on the road to get someone’s attention. We are all sick and tired of this continuous dangerous situation,” she said.

Ward councillor, Martin Meyer, has brought these requests to the attention of the municipality on many occasions.

He said: “I am truly frustrated with the various problem roads in the area. ETA answers most requests by saying that the road does not qualify, or that the statistics do not support intervention. The DA has been calling for a review of the Traffic Calming Policy, but not much has come of this. I will, with the help of fellow councillors, put a motion to council to ask that the whole Traffic Calming Policy be reviewed and made more responsive to the needs of the community.”

Meyer said understood the need to allow a free flow of traffic, however felt the protection of human lives, as well as the property of people should count for more.

“With the help of a resident in the area who is an expert in this matter, the DA is also in the process of training volunteers to conduct our own count on roads to strengthen the argument for intervention by ETA,” said Meyer.

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