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Durban man tackles cycle event on unicycle for charity

Gray Braatvedt will be completing the Johannesburg Classic 94.7 cycle event, on a unicycle.

A DURBAN man is taking on a challenge of a lifetime, while raising funds for Autism awareness.

Gray Braatvedt will be completing the Johannesburg Classic 94.7 cycle event, on a unicycle.

“A friend challenged me to try ride a unicycle on 1 January 2014, and I did! It took me two months to learn to ride 20 metres, but the bug bit! I have a mountain municycle which I do off-road events on as well,” he said.

Gray said he met Shaun Murphy last year, whose adopted son is Autistic. He started unicycling and created a foundation called AuSOMEtism.co.za to raise funds for Autism support. Gray decided to take on the cycle challenge to raise funds for this foundation.

“I will be riding 94.7km on my unicycle on 15 November, and I’m quite nervous! The closer to the time, the more realistic the challenge becomes. It’s going to be a big ask!” he said.

Between work committments, Gray is up at 3.30am to start training at 4am, so he can get to work on time.

“I’m doing the hard yards for the foundation and I’m asking the community to do the easy option and donate towards the cause. I am hoping to raise R10 000 for AuSOMEtism,” he said.

If you want to support Gray, banking details are: AuSOMEtism NPC, Standard Bank Northgate, branch code 001106, account number 372840175. This is a business current account. Reference: Gray

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