She’s a little survivor

uShaka Sea World will commemorate National Marine Week from 12 to 18 October.

USHAKA Sea World's latest visitor, Butternut, a juvenile African Penguin who was found at sea off Scottburgh Beach in August, is making great progress.

Butternut was found battling to remain afloat despite calm sea conditions as she was weak, dehydrated and had a badly broken right wing. She was taken to uShaka Sea World where the rehabilitation staff immediately began treating her.

Despite her chances of survival looking bleak at the time, Butternut was weighed, rehydrated and left to rest overnight. In the morning, looking more alert, she was offered food, dewormed and started on a course of antibiotics. Her condition improved slowly and steadily as she regained her balance and put on weight. She also started showing a keen interest in her surroundings.

By mid-September, she had recovered enough for uShaka Sea World veterinarian, Dr Francois Lampen to surgically remove the dead potion of her broken wing. The operation was deemed a success and Butternut was put on another course of antibiotics and given time to recover.

The little survivor recently started physiotherapy and is making great progress using her shortened wing in the water and is slowly being introduced to other penguins in the colony.

Butternut's story of survival comes at a time when the country is celebrating National Marine Week which runs from 12 to 18 October at uShaka Sea World. The public is being encouraged to take a keen interest in caring for the oceans and not to leave litter lying around after spending time on the beach, in the ocean or exploring rock pools.

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