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Pay up!

The municipality has released proposed fines related to its new Nuisances and Behaviour in Public Places By-Law.

MISBEHAVE and you'll pay! That's what the new Nuisances and Behaviour in Public Places By-Law will mean to transgressors when it is implemented in early 2016.

The fines are currently awaiting approval by the Chief Magistrate.

What it will cost you:

Causing a nuisance in a public place – R1 000

Using abusive, threatening or foul language or gestures in public – R500

Fighting or acting in a riotous or physically threatening manner – R1 000

Urinating or defecating in public – R500

Bathing or washing yourself in public without making use of a bath or shower – R500

Spitting in a public place – R200

Performing any sexual act in a public place – R1 000

Appearing in the nude or exposing one’s genitalia in a public place – R500

Consuming alcohol or being intoxicated in a public place – R2 500

Begging for money or goods whether by gesture or words – R100

Climbing, breaking or damaging a tree growing in a public place – R1 000

Drying, spreading or hanging washing, bedding, carpet or rags over a fence or wall which borders the verge of a public road – R500

Noise from a private residence or business premises where it interferes with others, creating a nuisance – R1 000

Disruption of peace between Sunday to Thursday, between 9.30pm and 7am – R1 500

Noise disturbance from Friday to Saturday, between 12am and 8am – R2 000

Blowing a vehicle hooter in a public place so frequently that it creates a nuisance – R1 500

Revving the engine of a stationary vehicle which causes a disturbance – R1 500

Sleeping in a stationary vehicle parked in a public place except in emergencies – R250

Parking a heavy duty overnight on private premises or vacant land without the Municipality’s permission – R5 000

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