Baby abandoned in park

A baby boy was found abandoned in an Umbilo park on Monday at around noon.

AN Umbilo businessman was shocked to discover an abandoned baby in the Umbilo Ponds Park in Umbilo Road on Monday afternoon.

According to Theo Reuben, one of the workers from the park ran up to tell him that a baby had been found lying on a bench at the top of the park.

“I went down to see the baby lying on the bench wrapped in a cloth, with medication next to it. I brought it to my shop where we have been taking care of it until the police arrive,” he told Berea Mail.

Theo said it was terrible to see a baby lying all alone like that, especially one that couldn’t be more than one month old.

“I hope the police find the mother. I wish she had just left the baby with one of the businesses in the area, not just left him abandoned in the park, anything could’ve happened to him! I wish I could take him home and look after him,” he said.

Theo later took the baby to the police station and handed the baby over to the crisis care staff.

Lt Pumzile Makaula from Umbilo SAPS said the child was taken to a doctor for a check up, and then placed in a place of safety.

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