UKZN rescinds decision to close residences

UKZN residences will be opened with conditions and enhanced security measures after last weeks student protests.

UKZN's executive management of University of KwaZulu-Natal has reconsidered its decision to close the residences last week after violent protests broke out on campuses.

According to UKZN spokesman, Lesiba Seshoka, the university had received numerous requests from both students and staff for students to remain in the residences in order to attend to various academic obligations, including research, practicals, and the recovery of lost time in preparation for tests and assignments which compelled management to reconsider its decision.

“The decision to close the student residences was precipitated by the untenable circumstances where some students and non-residence students were using the student residences as launch pads for the unprecedented destruction of property and the threatening of the lives of staff and other students,” she explained.

Residences will be opened on condition that no meetings and gatherings will be permitted, no visitors will be allowed during this period and residence students sign in and out at Security and must produce student cards.

Calm has been restored on all UKZN campuses, but security in the residences will be enhanced Seshoka said, adding a full investigation into all illicit criminal actions is underway both internally and externally and all perpetrators found to have been involved will face the full might of the University’s disciplinary processes, and where necessary, that of the law.

“Students and parents can rest assured that the University is carrying out all necessary measures required to ensure that teaching and learning proceeds smoothly when the next semester resumes on 28 September 2015.

Every effort is being made to recover lost time and academic activities will be rescheduled prior to the final examinations,” Seshoka added.

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