High tea boosts marrow registry

A high tea held at Greyville Racecourse last week helped to raise funds for the Sunflower Fund.

AN annual fundraising high tea in aid of The Sunflower Fund, was held at Greyville Racecourse on Friday.

“The Sunflower Fund is the only organisation which recruits donors and pays for tissue typing for the donor registry. The more donors we have, the more hope we have of finding a donor match for people with leukaemia,” said Stephanie Berry from the Sunflower Fund.

She said 100 000 people from each of the four ethnic groups was needed on the registry.

“We are now at 70 000, so we still have a long way to go! A winning team, like the women here today, have helped us to raise funds to make this a reality, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hope is health, optimism, progress and endurance. The Sunflower Fund has achieved so much with the support of the public, and we call on the public to continue being part of our team, so we can make a valuable contribution to those suffering with leukaemia,” she said.

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