Police patrols deter bunking pupils

Umbilo SAPS and its partners in the community patrolled Umbilo Park and the Rossburgh footbridge to deter criminal activity in this crime hot spot.

UMBILO SAPS held operations at Umbilo Park and the Rossburgh footbridge recently, to ensure pupils from a nearby school were attending lessons.

According to Sgt Beverley Manqele, learners wearing full school uniform have been bunking school and hanging out in what she says is a dangerous area.

“We increased patrols in this area in order to show police presence to deter criminal activities, by learners or against learners. We also held meetings with the school principals of high schools in our policing area,” she said.

She said she hoped the activities that were planned and progress made, would discourage negative behaviour by pupils.

“While it was the exam period, we could not tolerate any learners hanging out in a crime hot spot. We need to work in partnership with the schools to offer an effective solution towards solving this issue. We will work really hard to deter possible criminal activities that may occur,” she said.

Partners in this operation were the CPF, Capt Santee and his visible policing crime prevention unit, social crime prevention unit, Sgt Rodie and the sector policing unit and the schools in the area.

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