Pool users raise concerns

Councillor Nicole Graham and Tesoriere Pool users met to discuss issues and ways the municipality can impove on it.

TESORIERE pool users together with ward councillor, Nicole Graham, met with the pool superintendent recently to discuss issues and improvements they hope to see at the pool.

Maxwell Mathenjwa, superintendent of district 10, was happy to meet with the delegation and was very positive about carrying out improvements to the pool.

Graham said residents had raised issues with her about the condition and general maintenance at the pool, and used this meeting as a platform to raise their concerns.

Candy Brunsdon, who teaches aqua classes at the pool, thanked Maxwell for the use of the pool, which had brought much joy to her and her class over the years.

“I do have a few issues, the biggest being broken tiles in the pool. There have been a few first aid cases where feet have been cut in the pool. I feel this really needs to be addressed. Another issue is a ditch on the side of the pool which one of my elderly ladies fell into last month and was quite badly hurt. We have also arrived with a group at 8am, to find there is a gala at the pool, and we haven't been notified, which is really inconvenient,” she said.

Pool user, Mo Haarhoff, agreed with Candy, saying it would be helpful if there was a way swimmers could see when the pool was booked.

“Scheduled times for cleaning are also an issue and we are not given notification of this. The tiles do need to be fixed, but in winter, when the pool isn't being used. The paint work needs attention, as does the long grass on the one side of the pool which harbors rats. I also feel the hand rails on the guard tower need to be replaced as it would be a disaster if a child fell, while going up to get a tube,” she said.

Mo also commented on the need for the change rooms and toilets to be revamped, and for lockers to be installed for valuables.

Nicole Graham said another issue which was raised with her was the shortage of first aid supplies, as well as toilet paper and cleaning supplies.

Maxwell said he was happy to work with the community to uplift the standards at the pool.

“We did empty the pool last year to sort the tiles out, but two months later they popped up again after we found there was water coming up from underground in the deep end. We will close the pool and do it again, hopefully by August. We will also be painting and tiling the change rooms and we will see to other issues noted by Mo.

“We will be attending to the ditch, and sorting out supply issues as well,” he said.

Maxwell said the grounds and the overgrown property next door to the pool would be attended to and he would request cutting every two months.

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