Donations needed to ease plight of refugees

The Council of KZN Jewry is appealing to the public to help with donations for refugees.

THE Council of KwaZulu-Natal Jewry (CKNJ), an affiliate of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, has expressed its horror and outrage at the brutal treatment of foreign nationals.

“The outpouring of this type of hatred has no place in our country. The CKNJ has been supplying emergency relief to alleviate the suffering of those targeted by these violent acts. Importantly, we join with the SAJBD and our local and national civil society partners in addressing the systemic issues around the crisis of xenophobia in our country,” said Alana Baranov from the Council of KwaZulu-Natal


She said the organisation was committed to providing immediate relief and also to addressing the long term societal scourge of hatred that is poisoning


To contribute to CKNJ’s relief project, drop off your donation of goods at the offices at the Durban Jewish Centre (for the attention of Roseanne).

In particular, the following good are urgently needed: clothing, blankets, breakfast cereals, Pampers nappies, baby food, soap, toothpaste – not toothbrushes.

Alternatively, if you would like CKNJ to purchase the necessary items on your behalf, donations can be made to: CKNJ, Standard Bank – Kingsmead, branch code 040026, account number 051438801, Ref: Your name/xenophobia. Email confirmation to

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