Gratitude wall in memory of artist

Glenwood residents painted a tribute to Pastelheart in Bulwer Road.

GLENWOOD residents got creative on Sunday, in memory of artist, Matthew Pastellides, better known as Pastelheart, who died recently.

According to resident, Candice Elgar, who knew Matthew as a young boy, a Facebook page #Pastelheart Tribute has been launched where people from around the country are encouraged to post photos of the Pastelheart lips they had painted, in memory of Matthew. The lips was his graffiti tag.

Candice did a call-out on Facebook to get people involved, and it wasn’t long before the people of Glenwood responded. Beverley Gurugirl Burne, who is well-known for making ‘magic’ and creating beautiful things in Glenwood, along with other members of Glenwood Rising, said initially Fatima VT from the Breathing Space in Bulwer Road had reached out to her and Ian Reed to create another gratitude wall at the premises.

“She loved the idea and when the one at KZNSA was stopped, she said she had a space. I heard about Candice’s idea and Fatima said she was happy to add the lips above the wall. It all just fell into place! It was perfect teamwork, there’s something magical about people coming together,” she said.

She said the gratitude wall included the fact people were grateful for love as well. Mike McFadyean painted the lips above the gratitude wall for the group, which Robin Opperman from Umcebo Design designed from one of Pastelheart’s graffiti works.

“I knew Bev was going to do a gratitude wall here, so we joined together on this project,” said Robin.

Candice Elgar said she was pleased with the finished product.

Residents are encouraged to visit the wall and write down what they are grateful for.

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