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Enter Durban art competition

The municipality is calling on artists to participate in the eThekwini Art Prize Competition.

VISUAL artists have an opportunity to showcase their talent by participating in the exciting eThekwini Art Prize Competition, run by the Municipality’s Durban Art Gallery.

The competition, running for the second time, seeks to identify talented visual artists who can transform the city into an art space that ordinary citizens can have access to, enjoy and feel inspired by.

Interested artists will be expected to produce and submit two-dimensional and three-dimensional art pieces that are based on the idea of an environment that speaks to social cohesion, under the theme ‘Heart Matters’.

The pieces should promote ideas of caring, unity and compassion, which transcend race, class and gender.
Competition entries must be accompanied by a certified copy of the artist’s bar-coded South African identity document and an application form obtainable at the Durban Art Gallery, second floor of City Hall (Cultural Block entrance), Anton Lembede (Smith) Street. Submission deadline is Thursday, 5 March at 4pm.

The artist with the winning entry will be commissioned to create a public art piece (not less than five metres high) that will be installed at the intersection node of KE Masinga Road and OR Tambo Parade. The art piece should add to the existing aesthetic appeal of the city.

This work should serve as a major visual anchor that embraces the unique identity of eThekwini, and make a compelling statement about creativity and art in the age of numerous global changes while portraying a socially cohesive environment.

It must also enhance the status of eThekwini as a dominant cultural capital of the province of KwaZulu-Natal.
The creation of the art piece should take no longer than four months, and during the period the artist will receive a monthly stipend and financial support for operational costs. They will also receive R250 000 prize money after the completion of the public art piece.

Contact Mduduzi Xakaza on 031 311 2262 or mduduzi.xakaza@durban.gov.za.

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