Hurley’s 11th anniversary commemorations this weekend

The greater Durban community is invited to celebrate life of the late Archbishop Denis Hurley at the Denis Hurley Centre this weekend.

SPECIAL events will be held this weekend to commemorate the 11th anniversary of Archbishop Denis Hurley's death and to honour this occasion. Events will take place on 14 and 15 February, and offer the chance to see the new Denis Hurley Centre – the brand new landmark building between Emmanuel Cathedral and the Victoria Street Market.

Three events will be held: On Saturday, 14 February from 10am to 5pm there will be a workshop with Fr Anthony Egan (Jesuit priest, theologian and political scientist) on the relevance of Pope Francis and Catholic Social Teaching in South Africa today. Admission is free – bring food to share for lunch. A mass will be held from 5.30pm to 7pm in the Emmanuel Cathedral, followed by a procession and wreath-laying at the tomb of Denis Hurley on the anniversary of his death.

A public meeting to report back on the building of the Denis Hurley Centre and the plans for the future will be held on Sunday, 15 February, at 3pm. There will also be an opportunity to meet the new director of the centre, Mr Raymond Perrier.

A major focus for the celebrations this year is the recently completed Denis Hurley Centre. This multi-purpose community facility will promote extensive outreach and training for the homeless, unemployed and refugees and provide primary health care as well as community building programmes.

For more information on the events and future projects, contact Raymond Perrier on 076 570 2497 or email

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