Stage two load shedding effective today

The eThekwini municipality has been advised to implement stage two load shedding from 2pm this afternoon.

ETHEKWINI municipality has again been advised by Eskom to implement Stage two load shedding as of 2pm today, (Wednesday, 4 February).

The power system remains constrained and will remain so for the rest of this week, municipal spokesmna Thabo Mofokeng said in a statment this afternoon. “Any extra load or faults in the system may necessitate the need to go into load shedding. We therefore urge all electricity customers to reduce their consumption in order to reduce the severity of load shedding,” he said.

Commercial customers, particularly shopping centres and office blocks are urged to switch off non-essential lights and not to leave office equipment such as photocopiers and computers on standby mode after hours.

The load shedding schedule is available on the Municipal website:

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