City to fix beach showers

The municipality will be attending to broken and defective showers, says Tozi Mthethwa.

THE beach showers which were turned off over the festive season, will be fixed as part of the city's maintenance contract.

eThekwini Municipality Head of Communications, Tozi Mathethwa, said the beach showers at North Beach were battery operated and required special parts and attention when repairing and servicing them.

“The City has included maintenance and repairs of beach showers in the maintenance contract as part of the maintenance of dunes and natural vegetation. Repairs are undertaken on an ongoing basis. The beach area is being maintained continuously, the only damage that still requires attention is structural damage which occurred during the storm in October, last year,” she said.

On a recent visit to the beachfront, Berea Mail noticed bathers and surfers washing off at an open pipe at the base of the showers at North Beach, which was spewing water onto the sand.

Local surfer, Paul Godwin, said North Beach showers had been switched off over the festive season, Dairy Beach showers were defective and not all of them were working, and New Pier showers were still out of order due to the storm damage which happened last year.

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