Ten-year legal battle over racist joke

A former engineer's ten-year legal battle comes to naught after he was fired over a racist joke.

A Durban man fired over a racist email 10 years ago has lost his bid to get his job back .

According to  Times report, Vishnu Chetty, a  former engineer, was fired in 2004 after printing and circulating an e-mail depicting black people as relatives of monkeys.

Chetty, who denied sending the email, took the matter to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), which confirmed the fairness of the dismissal.

Chetty also  approached the Labour Court requesting that the award issued by the commissioner be reviewed and set aside, according to court documents.

His bid was dismissed by the judge, who found that the racially offensive joke justified Chetty’s dismissal.


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